Leaving a lasting legacy with a gift in your Will
Leaving a legacy of kindness by adding a gift in your Will is a beautiful way to give back to the community.
Our research areas are health issues that touch nearly everyone in some way. Whether it be a friend, a family member or a colleague, we all know someone who is impacted by either heart disease, lung disease, mental health or dementia.
In turn, that means we all know someone who can benefit from funding research in these areas. By funding research, we can provide hope to those suffering today, and hope for future generations to come.
Speak to our team about leaving a Gift in Will
Life-changing legacy
By choosing to leave a gift in your will, you can help fund:
Ground-breaking Research
You have the opportunity to fund ground-breaking research that can save lives and improve the quality of life for people impacted by heart disease, lung disease, mental health and dementia.
Innovative Equipment
You can support patients at both The Prince Charles Hospital, Caboolture Hospital and within our research labs.
The impact of your Gift in Will
Maureen's Living Legacy
The Common Good has many incredible supporters who make the life-changing, globally significant research that is supported and facilitated by The Common Good possible. Some of them, like our special current supporter Maureen, ensures that their legacy will continue by nominating a charity to leave a gift to in their Will.
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Maureen made her first gift to The Common Good in 2017, and in the years since, the impact of her generosity has been profound. In early 2023, two new Intensive Care Unit bedspaces were opened in The Prince Charles Hospital, dubbed the ICU of the Future. A world-first initiative, these bedspaces use the latest technology and innovations to reduce the environmental factors like light and noise that can lead to delirium and other mental health conditions for patients.
The ICU of the Future was only made possible through the generosity and kindness of our community, including people like Maureen who enjoys visiting The Prince Charles Hospital to see the impacts of her support.
Maureen extends her support to several charities across Australia as they are causes close to her heart, and with friends and family impacted by several health conditions over her lifetime she understands the importance of continuing medical research.
“Research can make a huge difference in people’s lives, and it takes a lot of time and resources for breakthroughs to happen. One person thinks of something that somebody else hasn’t thought of, or they can build on work that’s already been done.”
Maureen is grateful that she is able to make a positive impact for causes she cares about now and into the future.
“If you haven’t got someone to leave your legacy to, why not consider a charity? Even small gifts can make a big difference. I know that my support of The Common Good will help to facilitate the work of incredible researchers and help to fund important equipment,” Maureen says.

Write your Will for free with Gathered Here
We’ve partnered with Gathered Here, a free and easy step-by-step online Will writing service. It can take less than 10 minutes to have an incredible impact for those impacted by chronic health conditions.
The gifts that people have left The Common Good in their Wills have played a significant part in life-changing research and innovative equipment to help people impacted by disease now and into the future.
Every extra hour of research gets us one step closer to a medical breakthrough and even just a small portion of your estate can help keep these critical research projects in motion.
Find out how you can leave a life-changing legacy
If you would like to know more, please complete the Contact Us form or reach out to Grant Nibbs, General Manager of Philanthropy and Fundraising, on 1800 501 269 or email grant.nibbs@tpchfoundation.org.au to discuss your preferences.